Talk is cheap, show me the Product

1 min readMar 13, 2018

As the markets become more global, perceptions became more important than reality. Against the large conglomerates that can alter perception with high-budgeted marketing campaigns, start-ups only have one option to survive: to trust in their product and achievements.

What you do is what describes you best. The product reflects the mood of the team behind it. When I experience such a product, I believe that I can feel in what kind of a mood and by what kind of a team it is developed.

Small touches and experiences that make you smile convey the feeling that it is developed by an intelligent and sympathetic team.

If you don’t want all your efforts to be undermined by a larger entity, don’t hesitate to share your work. Embrace any criticism and iterate your product for better. Listen first before defending, try to understand first before objecting. Empathize on how you can do better.

That’s why developers say “Talk is cheap, show me the code”. There is one thing that can shout higher than an army of marketers and strong advertising, the product itself.




Product guy and tech entrepreneur, 20+ mobility experience, father, motorcycle fan